Introduction to Nuxt UI
What is Nuxt UI?
NUXT UI is a user interface framework for building user-friendly and efficient web apps with NUXT.js. It comes with a bunch of ready-made UI components and tools that make development quicker and easier. Plus, it works perfectly with NUXT.js features like server-side rendering, static site generation, and dynamic routing, making your web development process smooth and seamless.
Benefits of Nuxt UI
- Built-in Dark Mode: Easily switch between light and dark themes.
- Language Support: Accommodates both LTR and RTL languages.
- Customizable Keyboard Shortcuts: Enhance usability with personalized shortcuts.
- Bundled Icons: Access a variety of ready-to-use icons.
- TypeScript Support: Benefit from full type safety.
- Figma Kit: Maintain consistent design with the provided Figma kit.
Drawbacks of Nuxt UI
- Customization Limits: Predefined components might restrict design flexibility.
- Potential Overhead: Using a framework can add unnecessary complexity for very simple projects.
- Community and Support: As a specialized tool, it might have less community support compared to more established UI frameworks.
Getting started with Nuxt UI
- In your Nuxt project's terminal, run:
npm i @nuxt/ui
- Add the module to your nuxt.config file:
export default defineNuxtConfig({
modules: ['@nuxt/ui']
Alternatively, you can install NUXt UI and import the module to nuxt.config.ts with:
npx nuxi@latest module add ui
Important Notes:
- Nuxt UI automatically installs @nuxtjs/tailwindcss, @nuxtjs/color-mode, and nuxt-icon modules. You will need to remove these modules before installing Nuxt UI.
- After installing Nuxt UI, recreate your tailwind.config file. For example:
module.exports = {
content: [
Using a Nuxt UI component
Adding a Nuxt UI component to your web project is straightforward. For example, to add a simple Nuxt UI button:
The button component, like most Nuxt UI components, comes with built-in props for customization:
Explore available components here.
Nuxt UI Icons
You can display any of Iconify's 100,000+ icons using the Nuxt UI Icon component with this simple template:
<UIcon name="i-heroicons-light-bulb" />
Heroicons is the default icon library and follows this pattern:
Important: To use an icon library other than Heroicon, follow these steps (e.g., using Material Design Icons):
- Install Material Design Icons
npm i @iconify/icons-mdi
- Add it to your nuxt.config
ui: {
icons: ['mdi']
- Add the dynamic prop to the component
<UIcon name="i-mdi-home" dynamic />
- Customize it Change the color or size with props
<UIcon name="i-mdi-home" dynamic color="green" size=lg />
This is a very brief run down on what is possible with Nuxt UI. To learn more please check out the documentation