Check out my GitHub Repositories
Personal portfolio and blog.
Typescript, node, mongodb todo app
Website for Nick's Restaurant in Pacifica, CA
Drag and drop project with typescript
Calculator app creeated with Vanilla JavaScript, HTML, CSS. The Odin Project
Name tag generator created with React, ES6 and CodeSandbox
A hotel-booking app created with React and CodeSandbox
A todo list created with Javascript, Node.js and MongoDB
Created an application that fetches movie data from The Movie Database API.
Trivia game created using React and create-react-app
A gallery of my GitHub repos. A dynamic search functionality allows users to search by repo name. Clicking on a specific repo will provide additional information about the repo, including a link to the repo on GitHub.
Program to generate a 12 song epic playlist
A game where a player has 8 guesses to guess a random word